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Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate:

Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate is at a current level of 1.185, down from 1.186 the previous market day and up from 1.044 one year ago. This is a change of -0.05% from the previous market day and 13.49% from one year ago.

  • Category:Foreign Exchange
  • Region: N/A
  • Report:ECB Euro Exchange Rates
  • Source:European Central Bank

Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate Chart

Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate Historical Data

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Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate News

Euro to US Dollar Exchange Rate Summary

  • Last Value: 1.185
  • Latest Period: Dec 22 2017
  • Updated: Dec 22, 2017, 11:02 EST
  • Next Release: Dec 25, 2017, 09:00 EST
  • Frequency: Market Daily
  • Unit: USD to 1 EUR
  • Adjustment: N/A
  • Value Previously: 1.186
  • Change From Previous: -0.05%
  • Value One Year Ago: 1.044
  • Change From One Year Ago: 13.49%
  • First Period: Jan 04 1999
  • First Value: 1.179

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I:EURUSD Excel Add-In Codes

  • Indicator Code: I:EURUSD
  • Indicator Name: =YCI("I:EURUSD","name")
  • Latest Value: =YCP("I:EURUSD")
  • Last 5 Values: =YCS("I:EURUSD",,-4)

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